Turning Failure Upside Down
Discover the kit that exposes how the pressure to measure up to norms and expectations can invite us to feel a failure – this failure says something about what is important to us.
This kit contains a series of illustrations and question cards designed to open up conversations about how the idea of normality impacts on us and how it can take us away from what really matters – from our hopes, dreams and values
About Us
Jane works as a mental health social worker, she practices and teaches narrative therapy.
She also works with her husband Leeroy in their bed and breakfast The Spotted Chook and with her daughters in equine therapy and other collaborations.
The mouse you will meet through Gela-Marie’s illustrations was inspired by the magical stories Gela-Marie’s Dad told in her childhood that she then shared with her sons. Gela-Marie also writes and won the Australian Finch Memoir Prize in 2013.
Jane is available to run workshops in your workplace or community – they offer an introduction to the ideas that inform the Turning Failure Upside Down kit and the practices that can be developed using it.
Workshops can be from three hours to two days and either in a community, school or agency setting depending on whether you want a quick introduction to get started using the kit or a more comprehensive opportunity to understand the concepts and develop ideas for using the kit in your workplace or life.
The workshops will expose some of the ideas & practices in our culture that get us feeling like we don’t measure up. They will introduce a practical narrative kit for practitioners or community members that offers questions, food for thought, engaging pictures & ways of untangling complex ideas about normality & it’s power.
Narrative approach aligns with social justice and feminist principles. Join others for a unique introduction workshop with valued narrative therapist Jane Hutton as she shares her practice wisdom and knowledge through this beautiful new narrative resource.
Where possible Jane will be joined by the kit’s illustrator Gela-Marie Williams. Gela is also an experienced social worker and narrative therapist and will add her unique outlook to the workshop.
Latest Blogs

Woodford 2019-blue Lotus Tent – Sharing These Ideas – How Exciting – Terrifying- Exhilarating!
Yesterday I talked at the Blue Lotus Tent at the Woodford Folk Festival. I was surprised by how nervous I was. Here is a gathering